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Krohns Cheese Store has been making take and bake style pizza for the last four years. We knew a great way to make pizza would be to start with the best cheese, and we happened to have it right under our nose!


We offer:


Cheese and Sausage

Cheese and Pepperoni

Pepperoni and Sausage

Deluxe (Pepperoni, Sausage, Onion, Green Pepper, Black Olives and Mushrooms)


Cuban Ham

Big Mak



Chicken Bacon Ranch

Thai Sweet Chili Chicken

Pizza of the Month (See Events for schedule)



And in a rising crust:

Pepperoni and Sausage

Breakfast Pizza (Cheese Sauce, Egg, Breakfast Sausage, Bacon, Green Pepper and Onion)

Breakfast Pizza  (Cheese Sause, Egg, Breakfast Sausage,

Bacon, No Veggies)

Biscuit and Gravy Breakfast Pizza (Country Style Biscuit and Gravy Sauce, Italian Sausage, Onions, Mushrooms




We make our pizzas fresh every morning and take great pride in using fresh ingredients. Onions and peppers are chopped fresh, sauce is mixed in house, and of course the cheese comes right from our attached plant. All of this effort ensures that you will be as proud to serve our pizza as much as we are.



Pizza of the Month:

Every month we like to flex our creative muscles and create a pizza that is a bit off the wall. Some stars of the past include: Big Mak, Buffalo Chicken Winger, and BBQ Smoked Pork. It is only available for one month so feel free to call ahead and reserve one.

Please visit our Calendar of Events for the pizza schedule.


Krohn Dairy Products | N2915 Co Rd Ab, Luxemburg, WI 54217 | Phone: 920.845.2901

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